Monday, March 17, 2014

2014 Pacific Salmon Recreational Seasons

The Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) recently adopted three public review options for the 2014 salmon season off the West Coast of the United States. The Council will select a final option at their next meeting in Vancouver, Washington on April 5-9.

Sport Season Options:

Northern Oregon and Washington (north of Cape Falcon)

Ocean sport fishery options north of Cape Falcon in Oregon and off the Washington coast have mark-selective coho quotas ranging from 159,600 to 193,200 that start in late June and run into September (last year, the quota was 74,760 coho).

For Chinook salmon, quotas range from 47,500 Chinook to 60,000 Chinook (last year, the quota was 48,000 Chinook). Chinook quotas are limited due to in order to protect lower Columbia River tule fall Chinook, which are listed under the Endangered Species Act.

California and southern Oregon (south of Cape Falcon)

California ocean sport fishing options generally provide continuous fishing opportunity from April to October or November.

Oregon ocean recreational options include mark-selective coho fishing seasons starting in June or July and running into September. Quotas range from 50,000 to 80,000 coho.

In addition, non-mark selective fisheries are proposed in September with a quota of 20,000 coho. Options for Oregon ocean Chinook fishing in the Brookings area run May through September. For the Tillamook, Newport, and Coos Bay areas, season options range from March to October.

Public hearings to receive input on the options are scheduled for March 24 in Westport, Washington and Coos Bay, Oregon; and for March 25 in Eureka, California. The Council will consult with scientists, hear public comment, and revise preliminary decisions until it chooses a final option at its meeting April 5-10 in Vancouver, Washington.

At its April meeting in Vancouver, the Council will narrow these options to a single season recommendation to be forwarded to National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for their final approval before May 1.

Detailed information about season starting dates, areas open,and catch limits for all three options are available on the Council’s website at

source: Pacific Fishery Management Council

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